A Look Inside The Course
Easy to use templates to guide your running gait analysis
Case studies to practice analyzing walking and running gait
In depth explanations of gait deviations, running related injuries and treatment approaches
Content on running form adjustments, footwear, corrective exercises and answers to frequently asked running related questions
A step by step guide of how to start your own running gait analysis clinic including necessary equipment, forms and clinic logistics

"I appreciated the practical information I could easily implement into my practice. Before I knew it I was ready to start my own running gait analysis clinic!"
Morgan Fry, PT, DPT, NCS
Vestibular Rehab

"The flow of the course was really easy to follow with bite sized modules that were engaging and easy to understand. Additionally, the practice case studies were helpful to reinforce the content."
Ryoto Nagaoka, PT, DPT
Inpatient Rehab

"This course gives a good introduction into running gait analysis, additionally the template is very helpful when going through each part of the presentation."
Eliza Downs, PT, DPT
Outpatient Ortho
The Analysis And Treatment Of Runners Webinar: A Multiview Discussion
During this recorded webinar our panel of multidisciplinary running experts analyze slow motion video of running case studies. The panelists, which include running coaches, clinicians and academic running experts provide their own unique perspectives on how to examine and treat each individual runner.
Completion of this webinar and survey is eligible for 1 CE credit.
Watch The Webinar

Running Shoe Reference Guide
Have you ever wanted to change a runner's footwear but are unsure of which shoes to prescribe? With so many shoe types, brands and preferences it is hard to know which shoes will help vs hurt runners. Help your runners find the right shoes with the Running Shoe Reference Guide.
Running Gait Analysis Clinic Equipment Checklist
A checklist of the equipment needed to start your very own running gait analysis clinic. Pay close attention to the benefits, specifications and brands subcategories. It may surprise you how much of the equipment you already have!

Popular Blog Article
The Truth About Forefoot vs Rearfoot Running
Have you ever been asked by a patient, "should I run on my toes?". This is an age old debate, to run forefoot or rearfoot. Additionally, many runners have acquired misguided knowledge on the benefits of forefoot and rearfoot running to their specific anatomy and running form. Learn how to best advise your patients on the best running style.
Read Article

Popular Podcast
Listen to the Successful Gait Analysis Clinic at Competitive Edge:
Kevin Vandi, DPT, OCS, CSCS had a vision to provide research-grade technology into customized physical therapy treatment plans to provide excellent patient outcomes. In less than seven years Competitive Edge Physical has grown to a seven figure practice which also hosts a myriad of technology based biomechanical anlayses. In this podcast Kevin, along with Torey Page, DPT, OCS, share their experiences providing data backed physical therapy and speciality programs while growing into one of the leaders in applying a biomechanical analysis into physical therapy patient care.
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